Vintage cars are subject to special tax regimes, so it's essential to tread carefully and not venture into the unknown.

Wealth tax (ISF)

Collector cars are exempt from wealth tax, unlike so-called "ordinary" vehicles, in the same way as works of art. According to the Ministry of Finance, a classic car is an old car with a collector's registration certificate (carte grise de collection - CGC).

Sale with capital gains

When a classic car is sold with a capital gain, the capital gain is taxable. Except under certain conditions:

  • The sale is for less than €5,000
  • Sale to a museum
  • The owner has owned the vehicle for at least 22 years.

To calculate the capital gain, you need to take the sale price of the vehicle and deduct the purchase price and the cost of restoring it.

There are two ways of being taxed on capital gains:

  • 34.5% of the capital gain
  • Flat-rate tax of 6.5% of the sale price 
Red Italian sports car at the Rétromobile show

Importing an old vehicle

Obligation to have a vehicle registration document + certificate from the tax authorities


There are no specific exemptions. The value cannot be less than that stated in the insurance contracts in force on the date of death.